Predrag M. Maksimovich, MD, DDS.
Predrag M. Maksimović
Web Site
Various Interesting Otolaryngology Files
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Aldo Trovato, Dale N. Nuhlicek, John E. Midtling:
Drug-Nutrient Interactions.
(American Family Physician, nov 1991, 1651-1658).
Donald Yeatts, James C. Burns:
Common Oral Mucosal Lesions in Adults.
(American Family Physician, dec 1991, 2043-2050).
Philip Zazove, Paul R. Kileny:
Devices for the Hearing Impaired.
(American Family Physician, sep 1992, 851-858).
Earnest C. Riley, Dennis E. Amundson:
Laryngeal Tuberculosis Revisited.
(American Family Physician, sep 1992, 759-762).
David A. Randall, Kevin S. Kennedy:
Indications for Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy.
(American Family Physician, nov 1991, 1639-1646).
Ronald L. Moy, Alexander Lee, Alicia Zalka:
Commonly Used Suturing Techniques in Skin Surgery.
(American Family Physician, nov 1991, 1625-1634).
Keith M. Ratcliff:
Esophageal Foreign Bodies.
(American Family Physician, 824-831).
Robert D. Herr:
Acute Sinusitis - Diagnosis and Treatment Update.
(American Family Physician, dec 1991, 2055-2062).
Paul Fagan, Nirmal Patel:
A hole in the drum - An overview of tympanic membrane perforations.
(American Family Physician, aug 2002).
James T. Li:
Allergy Testing.
(American Family Physician, aug 2002, 621-624).
Kolawole S. Okuyemi, Terrance T. Tsue:
Radiologic Imaging in the Management of Sinusitis.
(American Family Physician, nov 2002, 1882-1886).
Paul Fagan:
Increasing hearing Loss. Test Your Knowledge - ENT Quiz.
(American Family Physician, aug 2002).
Steven M. Bromley:
Smell and Taste Disorders - A Primary Care Approach.
(American Family Physician, jan 2000, 427-36, 438).
Alexander C. Chester:
Chronic Sinusitis.
(American Family Physician, feb 1996, 877-997).
John R. McConaghy, Steven R. Smith:
Controversy in Otitis Media Management - Should We Follow the CDC Recommendations?
(American Family Physician, jan 2000, 317-323).
Donald B. Middleton:
An Approach to Pediatric Upper Respiratory Infections.
(American Family Physician, nov 1991, 33s-47s).
Raymond C. Bredfeldt:
An Introduction to Tympanometry.
(American Family Physician, dec 1991, 2113-2118).
Robert D. Herr et al:
Serious Soft Tissue Infections of the Head and Neck.
(American Family Physician, sep 1991, 878-888).
Lionel Kowal:
Facial Tics - Telltale Signs.
(Australian Family Physician, oct 1995).
John Murtagh:
The snuffling infant. Patient Education.
(Australian Family Physician, oct 1995).
Paul Nisselle:
Difficult doctor-patient relationships.
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 47-49).
Michael Oldmeadow:
Chronic fatigue syndrome.
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 76-77).
Dennis Pashen, Maurice Stevens:
Management of epistaxis in general practice.
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
Rick Kausman:
A new perspective to long-term weight management - Is there a better way?
(Australian Family Physician, apr 2000).
Rick Kausman:
Tips for long-term weight management.
(Australian Family Physician, apr 2000).
Louise Wigg:
Does 'getting physical' help weight control?
(Australian Family Physician, apr 2000).
Jenny Proimos, Susan Sawyer:
Obesity in childhood and adolescence.
(Australian Family Physician, apr 2000).
Anne Buist:
The recognition and management of eating disorders.
(Australian Family Physician, apr 2000).
Russell King, David Mills:
Coxsackie B virus - The great pretender.
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 51-52).
John Murtagh, Alan Sharp:
Hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis). Therapeutics for the Busy GP.
(Australian Family Physician, oct 1995).
Michael Silverstein:
Can I fly Doc? - Eustachian tube dysfunction.
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 55-56).
J. P. Sturmberg:
How to choose the right suture material. Practice Tip.
(Australian Family Physician, oct 1995).
John Tonkin:
Tinnitus - More can be done than most GPs think.
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
John Tonkin:
New treatment for Ménière's disease.
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
G. M. Hawdon, et al:
Spider bite - A rational approach. Bites & stings.
(Australian Family Physician, dec 1997).
Simon Young:
Dog attacks. Bites & stings.
(Australian Family Physician, dec 1997).
John Murtagh:
The doctor's bag - What do you really need?
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 25-29).
Ian Glaspole et al:
Stinging insect allergies - Assessing and managing.
Bites & stings. (Australian Family Physician, dec 1997).
G. M. Hawdon, K. D. Winkel:
Venomous marine creatures. Bites & stings.
(Australian Family Physician, dec 1997).
G. M. Hawdon, K. D. Winkel:
Could this be snakebite? Bites & stings.
(Australian Family Physician, dec 1997).
Chris Hogan:
Influenza - Can we vanquish this foe?
(Australian Family Physician, feb 2002, 145-147).
Matt Byrne:
Assessment of the dizzy patient.
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
Michael R. Kidd, Jonathan Anderson:
Antiretroviral medications and HIV.
(Australian Family Physician, feb 2002, 135-139).
Test Your Knowledge - Clinical Challenge.
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
Craig Hassed:
Medicine - What has love got to do with it?
(Australian Family Physician, aug 2002).
Margaret Beavis:
Acute Sinusitis - Who should we be treating?
(Australian Family Physician, jan 2000, 19-23).
Robert J. S. Briggs:
Otitis externa - Presentation and management. Telltale Signs.
(Australian Family Physician, oct 1995).
Chris Del Mar, Paul Glasziou:
A child with earache - Are antibiotics the best treatment?
(Australian Family Physician, feb 2002, 141-144).
Diane R. Kelly:
Uses of information management and technology in postgraduate education for general practice.
(New Zealand Family Physician, aug 2002).
Martin M. Ferguson:
The persistent dry mouth. Continuing Medical Education.
(New Zealand Family Physician, aug 2002).
(no pictures) and
(with pictures).
Conor N. Marnane, Andrew Brigthwell:
Common Neck Swellings.
Richard A. Loukota:
Craniomaxillofacial Trauma.
Russell D. Briggs:
Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea and Otorrhea.
(Grand Rounds Presentation, UTMB, Dept. of Otolaryngology).
Leo R. Zacharski:
The Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
(British Journal of Hospital Medicine, July 1976).
Mark L. Urken et al:
Oromandibular Reconstruction Using Microvascular Composite Free Flaps. Report of 71 Cases and a New Classification Scheme for Bony, Soft-Tissue, and Neurologic Defects.
Claire Harris:
Childhood ENT disorders - When to refer to specialists.
K. Marsot-Dupuch, B. Meyer:
Cochlear implant assessment - imaging issues.
(European Journal of Radiology, 2001, 119 - 132).
T. T. King, W. P. R. Gibson and A. W. Morrison:
Tumours of the VIII Nerve.
(British Journal of Hospital Medicine, September 1976).
David Kyle:
Minor Surgery: Chapter 4: Ear, Nose and Throat.
B. Luban-Plozza and W. Pöldinger:
Psychosomatic Disorders in General Practice - Aspects of eating behaviour.
M. J. Oliver:
Major and Minor Operations.
Gary Maartens:
The early stages of HIV infection: clinical features and management.
(Modern Medicine of South Africa, July 1994).
George L. Adams:
Follow a systematic approach to improve your assessment of patients with neck masses.
(Modern Medicine of South Africa, July 1994).
Michael R. Kidd, Bob Milstein, John Togno:
The computer on your desk: New roles, new rules and new challenges for general practice.
(New Zealand Family Physician, aug 2002).
Grupa autora:
Zapaljenja nosa.
(Skripte ORL Sluzbe KBC Zemun-Beograd). (In Serbian)
Grupa autora:
Hronicna zapaljenja nosa.
(Skripte ORL Sluzbe KBC Zemun-Beograd). (In Serbian)
Grupa autora:
Zastitna funkcija nosa.
(Skripte ORL Sluzbe KBC Zemun-Beograd). (In Serbian)
F. P. Pretorius:
Integrating complementary medicine in the ENT practice with the focus on
Chinese medicine.
(CME, sep 2000, 762-770).
Rory Attwood:
The Professional Voice.
(CME, sep 2000, 776-777).
Christopher Arthur Joseph:
(CME, sep 2000, 772-774).
J. Francois Malan:
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
(CME, sep 2000, 748-755).
Lawrence Goldie:
Psychiatric Aspects of Otolaryngology.
(The Practitioner, nov 1978, pp. 701-6).
Peter M. Rabinowitz:
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss.
Lynn A. Riddell:
Surgery in Carriers of HIV and Hepatitis.
(Surgery, 2000, p 53-56).
Ekspertiza posttraumatskih ostecenja sluha. (In Serbian)
Lex Vlantis:
Sinusitis and its complications.
(CME, sep 2000, 740-746).
D J Wagenfeld, Amu Müller:
Cochlear Implants.
(CME, sep 2000, 756-761).
John Waterston:
Vertigo: A practical approach to diagnosis and treatment.
David Watson:
Management of the Upper Airway.
ABC of Major Trauma. (BMJ, 26 May 1990).
E. Sveinsson:
Pure "blow-out" fractures of the orbital floor.
(J Laryngol Otol. 87:465-473, 1973).
George A. Wessberg et al:
Ophthalmologic considerations in maxillofacial trauma - Anatomy and diagnostic evaluation.
(Int J Oral Surg. 10:236-246, 1981).
Jonathan E. Aviv et al:
The Combined Latissimus Dorsi-Scapular Free Flap in Head and Neck Reconstruction.
(Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1991;117:1242-1250).
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